You can save time and money by calculating the volume of paint required before you purchase it. By doing this you will reduce the risk of running out of paint. The below tables can serve as a guide to calculate how much paint you will need.


Interior Walls:

Walls calculation (4m x 4m room)Area (per wall) = L x H: eg 4 m x 2.4 m = 9.6 sq m4 walls  = 38.4 sq m to coat
Walls: sealerCoverage rate 12 sq m /L1 coat:  38.4 sq m /12 sq m = 3.2 L paint  (sealer / undercoat)
Walls: topcoatCoverage rate 16 sq m /L1 coat:  38.4 sq m /16 sq m = 2.4 L paint; 2 coats: = 4.8 L paint.
Ceiling calculationsArea = L x B: eg  4 m x 4 m = 16 sq m1 ceiling = 16 sq m to coat
Ceilings: sealerCoverage rate 12 sq m /L1 coat:  16 sq m /12 sq m = 1.3 L paint   (sealer / undercoat)
Ceilings: topcoatCoverage rate 14 sq m /L1 coat:  16 sq m /14 sq m = 1.2 L paint; 2 coats: 2 x 1.2 L = 2.5 L paint.
Total Paint RequiredTotal sealer @ 1 coat on all: 38.4 +16 = 54.4 sqm coated4.5 L (rounded  5 L)
 Total ceiling @ 2 coats on 16 sq m coated2.5 L (rounded 3 L)
 Total walls @ 2 coats on 38.4 sq m = 77 sq m coated4.8 L (rounded  5 L)


Exterior Masonry Walls:

Brick Walls calculationArea (per wall) = L x H: 8 m x 4 m = 32 sq m1 walls  = 32 sq m to coat
Brick Walls: topcoatCoverage rate 16 sq m /L1 coat:  32 sq m /16 sq m = 2 L paint; 3 coats: 3 x 2 L = 6 L paint.
FinalTotal topcoat @ 3 coat on all: 96 sq m coated6 L


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